Tuesday, May 19, 2009


chicken cutlets with salad
chicken parmagian (from the leftover cutlets) over pasta
pot roast, mashed potatoes, broccoli/salad (x2)
potato and egg pie with red peppers and toast
grilled cheese

Not a stellar box this week, so we had to buy a lot to make up our meals. The oranges and one of the grapefruit my husband used to make delicious fresh juice. I will use the other grapefruit in a fruit salad along with a honeydew that has been ripening up on the counter. It has been too hot to bake, so we bought our first loaf of store-made sandwich bread in a long, long time.

In other news, we are slowly gearing up for the move. We should get the key this weekend, and then we can start moving things over a little at a time. I may have mentioned in my last post that I want to do some painting in our bedroom, and we will do that before moving the bulk of our furniture over.

Daniel is now almost 9 months, which still shocks me whenever I think about it. It is so strange to feel simultaneously that he couldn't possibly be that old -- he was just born yesterday, wasn't he? -- and that he has been part of our family forever.

He is such a joyful presence in our lives -- full of smiles and laughter and silly little tricks. Even now, while he is getting his two top front teeth, he is just the sweetest thing (except when he bites....!). He now loves to play peek-a-boo, comes across the room to me when I call him, and can stand for short periods of time unsupported. He loves to pull all the books off the shelf in the living room, eats any small pieces of paper or shoes he can get his hands on (and also bugs, but we won't go into that!), and tries to match notes when I sing to him. I think he has learned to recognize the baby sign for cat and hungry. I want to start him on a few more soon

His finger infection has cleared up almost completely now (his middle finger is still a little red and puffy, probably from the trauma inflicted on it by the doctors, but the sores are gone), for which I am incredibly thankful.

All in all, things are very good here. :)

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