Sunday, July 6, 2014

Answer Me This

Joining the fun with Answer Me This again, because why come up with my own blogging topics when Kendra asks such fun questions? :) (Edited to Add:Evidently I fail at reading instructions, because I seem to have answered the wrong questions! Sorry!)

1. How did you get your name?

My birthday is just a couple of days before Christmas, so Natalie was an appropriate choice! The other serious contenders (I am told) were Noelle and Leah.  I think I could have been a Leah, but Noelle just never would have suited.  My middle name, Rose, is for my paternal grandmother.

2. Do you have a set time for prayer in your day?

We pray consistently at meal times of course, but that is about it right now.  Some times after dinner we do a song and a reading from the Office of Readings. My father in law is visiting and we have prayed Compline with him a few nights while he has been here.  I recently set up a little shrine with an icon and some holy cards and candles (inspired by Auntie Leila!) and I hope we can begin to develop more prayerful habits now that there is a space set aside for the purpose.

3. Did your mom work or stay home (or both)?

My mother only worked very briefly while I was growing up. She was a waitress at a sea food restaurant, and one of my best memories was going with he for dinner one night.  It was exciting for me to be out at night, especially at a nice restaurant. I had a plate of pasta with mussels and felt like royalty!

4. Do you vote?

I know I ought to vote, but I don't. Part is just laziness, but I also know I am not well enough informed to make good decisions in local elections and I am frankly fed up with both sides in national elections.  I really just want to send ALL of our politicians to the corner and take away their toys until they figure out how to act like adults.

5. What's your favorite drink?

Depends on what category we are talking about.  After being indifferent to soda for many years, I recently developed a taste for Pepsi if we are talking non alcoholic.  But nothing can beat a good margarita!

6. How are your photography skills?

Pathetic!  I am not even going to put any pictures in this post because I don't have any good ones from recently.